Benefits of Healthy Baby Teeth for Your Child

Baby teeth, also known as primary teeth or milk teeth, are the first set of teeth that humans grow. They have shallow roots, and their thin enamel is more vulnerable to damage compared to the permanent set of teeth that people grow.

The volatile combination of thin enamel and children’s love of sweets can make keeping kids’ teeth healthy difficult. It may be tempting to consider baby teeth as expendable because they will naturally be replaced within 10 years. However, each tooth serves a function and is better left in the mouth than lost prematurely.

Good oral hygiene habits started early, and a diet moderate in sweets and rich in water can help keep teeth fit as a fiddle and right where they belong. The following is a list of the benefits that your child can enjoy from healthy chompers.

Clearer Speech

Baby talk begins with a lot of experiments with tongue and cheek placement in the mouth. Many consonants rely on the tongue touching the front teeth. Vowels are formed with cheeks and ligaments attached to the jaw, which develop correctly through chewing.

When your child can practice language with all of their teeth and healthy muscles, speech clarity is an attainable goal. You and your child will be relieved to understand and be understood faster. Enunciation will be especially helpful when your child speaks to people outside of their home who do not have the chance to grow accustomed to verbal idiosyncrasies.

Regular Bone Development

When your child chews food with their baby teeth, their jaw and the attached ligaments are stimulated to grow strong and in the correct shape. Children’s facial shapes are largely impacted by the teeth in their mouth and the regular exercise of chewing.

Diet and Digestion

Healthy baby teeth can chew crunchy and fibrous foods. Unblended vegetables, fruits, nuts, and meats are important for older children’s diets. Digestion of these foods starts in the mouth when chewing breaks them down into pieces small enough for digestive juices to successfully penetrate. Oral health issues may contribute to a diet skewed towards soft foods alone.

Tooth Alignment

Adult teeth will eventually root into the jawbone. Healthy baby teeth will stimulate the jaw so it grows to a healthy strength and size. Not only that, but each baby tooth reserves a space for the future adult tooth to grow into the jaw.

Once a tooth falls out, the surrounding teeth can start to drift into that empty gap. Usually, a new tooth will fill in the space, but if a baby tooth falls out prematurely, the other teeth could shift into the space. When it’s time for the adult tooth to grow in, it could cause more problems to the teeth blocking its way. If parents can help their child keep their teeth healthy, they might avoid as many expensive orthodontic treatments in the future.

Overall Health

Your child’s mouth, throat, brain, and even heart will be safer with regular oral hygiene. They will be able to have positive experiences at their dental visits, which can prevent dental anxiety from developing. If they’re comfortable with their dentist, they’ll find it easier to proactively prevent and treat any oral health issues.


Most children are curious and socially aware to some degree. They want to have as many teeth as their friends and family. When they do, they will find it easier to smile, laugh, and talk with others during their foundational social experiences.


A healthy, comfortable mouth sends no distracting pain messages. When teeth are healthy, a child can focus on other aspects of growing without dealing with tooth pain.

Schedule Your Child’s First Cleaning!

Want to keep your child’s teeth healthy? Schedule a cleaning and exam with Drs. Caleb and Megan Beam today.