When we hear about tongue-ties, we normally think of it as a problem affecting babies and young children that hopefully works itself out. But the symptoms of tongue-ties can affect adults as well if not treated properly.


Your lip and your tongue are each connected to a thin band of tissue called a frenum or frenulum. Before a baby is born, these tissues are supposed to loosen and elongate to allow these parts of the mouth to move properly. When this doesn’t happen, it can result in short or tight frenums, thus “tying” the tongue to the floor of the mouth or the lips to the gums and restricting their movements. The cause of these ties is often unknown but some believe that it can be due to genetics or nutritional deficiencies during pregnancy.

Tongue-ties can result in a low tongue position and tongue thrusting, which contributes to the formation of a high and narrow palate. It can also cause mouth breathing, which can cause inflammation to the back of the throat and the tonsils. And these ties can shorten the oral muscles and change the proper movements of the mouth, which can lead to jaw instability. Ties in the mouth can also lead to an increased risk of cavities, teeth grinding, and other dental problems.

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These restrictions in the movement of the tongue or lips can lead to other health and behavioral issues. Some of the signs and symptoms to look for that could indicate the need for treatment include:

  • Difficulty breathing
  • A baby having trouble breastfeeding
  • Difficulty chewing or swallowing
  • Digestive issues
  • Colic in babies
  • Aversions to foods of certain textures
  • Forward head posture
  • Delays in speech development or speech difficulties
  • Snoring or breathing problems at night


officeIf a lip- or tongue-tie isn’t properly treated in an infant or toddler, it can continue to cause problems into childhood and adulthood. And because these conditions can have similar symptoms to or even lead to the cause of sleep apnea, TMJ disorder, tonsillitis, or other conditions, it is vital to be examined and diagnosed by a dentist who is trained to recognize all of these oral issues.

That’s why you’ll know you’re in the right place with Beam Laser Tongue-Tie Center in Fairchance, PA. Drs Caleb and Megan Beam have been educated and trained to properly diagnose all of these conditions and to offer the proper treatment to relieve the symptoms and effects of tongue-ties or other oral problems.

The most common treatment for a tongue- or lip-tie is a frenectomy, which is a simple and quick procedure in which the restricting frenum is cut in order to free up the lip or tongue.

Once the lip- or tongue-tie have been treated, our doctors at Beam Laser Tongue-Tie Center can prescribe a range of daily exercises to enhance the airway and to retrain the mouth in the proper movement that wasn’t possible before. Contact us to schedule an initial consultation for your or your child to get an expert diagnosis.

Click Here to Learn About Infant Tongue-Ties


office outdoorsIf you or any member of your family is known to have a lip- or tongue-tie or is displaying any of the symptoms associated with a tie, it’s important to get it properly diagnosed and treated as soon as able. Some of the benefits of treatment include:

  • Preventing the problems from carrying over into adulthood.
  • Helping the oral muscles to develop properly and avoid issues such as sleep apnea.
  • Reduce or eliminate the pain it’s causing in the TMJ or prevent it from developing.
  • Stop mouth breathing and breathe and sleep easier.
  • Restore your ability to chew and swallow properly.
  • Improve your tongue’s ability to clean your teeth and gums, leading to better oral health.
  • Prevent a tongue thrust from pushing your teeth crooked.
  • Improved overall health – the health of your mouth is directly tied to the health of the body, including heart problems, diabetes, and Alzheimers. Reducing cavities and gum disease can reduce the chance of these issues.


Get the proper care for a tongue- or lip-tie from those who specialize in its treatment at Beam Laser Tongue-Tie Center. If you’re in Fayette County, PA, Monongalia County, WV, or other surrounding areas, contact us today with any questions about tongue-ties or to schedule your appointment.

Contact us to schedule an initial consultation for you or your child to get an expert diagnosis.
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